Sunday, September 29, 2013

 Josh Duggar's Tea Party Affiliation

Josh is trying to act like he understands politics again on instagram and twitter. He has been posting constantly on the "heroic" efforts of Ted Cruz, the new flavor of the month. His grasp of the political process is about on the same level as a 6th grader.

Wikipedia is not a replacement for college.

Here is a recent post on instragram;
joshduggar- "US House now adjourned after long debate tonight. Here's what measures they passed: 1) repeal medical device tax 2) gov't funding & 1 yr. delay of # Obamacare 3) funding military even if gov't shuts down @FRCAction" 15h

I love how they are trying to fund the military to make themselves look good after all the assaults they've made on our healthcare, food stamps, civil rights protections, education and other social programs that serve the less fortunate. Remember when they wouldn't fund medical care for 9/11 first responders? They are some sick ass people.

Anyhoo, here is my response to Joshie the Tea Party Parrot;

Josh, your party's horse and pony show is entertaining but just a ploy. The government will shut down for a few day. The pukes will cave and not win anything. Obamacare will move on. The debt ceiling will not be effected. Obama will probably use the 14th amendment this time so the pukes won't terrorize the country's and the world economy. The game is already over for you but your nutty leaders will milk if for all it's worth to get air time and contributions from the dumb-asses that vote for them. Amen!

I'll keep my prediction up here to see if it all happens the way I predict. The only thing that may not happen is if the pukes decide to not challenge the debt ceiling. Then Obama won't have to use the 14th amendment. If they do hold the debt ceiling hostage and Obama doesn't use the 14th, then I will be extremely pissed.

Oh, and one misconception is that if the government is shut down, we save money. Actually, a shut down costs the country a lot of revenue. Maryland alone is estimating a 5 million loss of revenue daily! Virginia will also be hit hard.
Josh took this photo at an Arkansas Tea Party meeting.

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