Sunday, September 15, 2013

Jessa's "courtship" to Ben Seewald has brought me many new wonderful LIKERS on my facebook page! Welcome all! Join in the conversations whenever you please. Don't be shy.

Ben's odd abortion shirt says, Given A Choice, They'd Want A Chance. Not me Ben. If my mom had decided to abort me, I would understand her reasons, forgive her, and know that God will find me a mom who is ready for me. I have faith. Not that I'm for casual abortions, I'm not. I am for choice and freedom.


  1. God will find me a mom who is ready for me. I don't understand how that's possible. Do you believe in reincarnation, cuz thats basically what your saying. I'm not against abortion, but if its done, I don't think there's a second chance for the spirit to live in a human body.

  2. I do believe in reincarnation but I won't pretend to know how it works. Why would God create your spirit/soul and not find an earthly body for it? We're created to experience the human condition one way or another.
