Monday, September 16, 2013

Josh's tweet today about the Navy Yard shooting gets him in hot water.
Not the first time that's happened. He's a narcissist who can't control what
he says no matter how inappropriate and self-serving.

After the Sandy Hook tragedy, Josh said nothing. Well he actually did say a lot.
A couple of weeks later Josh bragged about going to a gun show. He is afraid that
Obama is going to take away his guns. I wonder what gave him that idea? The NRA?
The people who want to sell guns and ammo to help their friends make tons of money?
Maybe the lawmakers who don't want to lose their lobbying money from big guns and ammo
and who help keep gun regulations almost nil so that more mass murders can keep happening?
Why would a christian want to buy into the lies of people just out to make money? Why is 
Josh so mislead and gullible? Anyone who does not want safety regulations put on a 
an item that can kill another is working for the red guy and I don't mean Elmo. What 
can convince an evangelical gun nut that their protecting the NRA is evil. I think 
God will have to smack some sense into them in the end.


  1. I agree on that. I found his tweet yesterday was outrageous and stupid.

    1. I guess Joshie is still learning that certain things should not be said publicly. I don't want to discourage his social media usage either because we learn so much about the Duggars from Josh. :)

    2. Indeed we do... ::wry grin:: I don't know how he lives with himself.
