Episode Reviews of An Emotional Goodbye and Farm Fresh Duggars
An Emotional Goodbye
2. J. Bob announces that J and A will be having some uninvited guests, the Bates. Josh doesn't seem thrilled. I'm happy to see the Turd walking around in shorts even though they cover his sinful knees. Rub it in daddy's face Turd, rub it! The Bates march up the driveway with Nathan and Lawson wearing matching cowboy shirts. They are soooo special. Anna lets out a weak, "Yay!"
3. The fun begins as we watch the rarely physical Duggars carrying couches up the steps to the 2nd floor living room. Why they put the main level of the house on the second floor is a mystery. Either they have a great view they want to take advantage of from up high or they live near a river and are on a flood plain. I'm hoping for the latter. I wonder if the Turd chose that house because of the fortress look just in case of a Liberal zombie apocalypse.
4. Jill takes over in the house getting the little things put away because her mom can't seem to get her kids to listen to her. Jill cracks the whip ordering various people to work and giving them time limits. I think Jill may have been better off getting Josh's job than him. She's a real worker. James pisses me off by laying in a crib. Why would he care if he broke the crib and upset Anna and whatever baby was to sleep in that crib? Another insensitive Duggar male!!!!
5. Anna is still looking for her vibrator. Josh finally finds the vibrator and Anna is extremely relieved. She seemed a little flushed too.
6. The next day the house is done and the Turd decides to celebrate Anna's birthday by parading themselves around the National Mall for the public adoration and to get ill on a carousel. The Turd turns white and loses his manhood in public.
7. After they finish showing off for the public they eat in an empty restaurant. Mission work doesn't extend to dinnertime.
8. The Duggars complain about getting up early to say goodbye to J & A. I'm sure they really just watched Turd leave for work, turned the cameras off and went back to sleep. We know some of the older girls stayed with Anna and visited Josh at his office. The goodbye was staged. Josh starts bawling. Watching his waterworks, I got the feeling that he only took this job to please J. Bob. Anna walks back to the house with a screaming Michael commiserating that she is now going to have to parent alone,,, well except for Jinger, Jessa and Jill who stayed to help.
Farm Fresh Duggars
2. The Duggars have a quiet, somber breakfast and then go to work in the garden. J. Bob slacks off and takes Michelle for a ride to tell her that he wants to be a farmer.
3. They later have a quiet, somber family meeting where J. Bob announces that they will be visiting a farm. Smirks and eye rolling ensue. Actually, the producers set up this field trip, not J. Bob. Isn't lying a sin because the Duggars lie a lot while making their show.
4. Again, more complaining about getting up early. Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah! At the farm, the idiot girls who are idiots about their feet and idiots about farming, wear idiotic sandals and flip flops. By the end of the day their feet are covered with mud and manure. Sweet idiotic revenge! Except for Joy who wore cowgirl boots. Joy must be the Einstein of the group.
5. First stop, the pigs. Ewwwww, You know Jinger will never marry a farmer. The boys go harass some cows and disobey the farmer when she tells them that the cows are not producing milk. Justin doesn't listen (just like his dad) to wise advice and tastes it anyway. Jackson looks to have a herpes sore on his lower lip. Could just be a bruise but it looked kind of like herpes.
6. The little girls get to help with the chickens. They water and feed the chickens and swing from the rafters like monkeys. Hannie thinks her family can be farmers. She is still very young and naive.
7. A new show highlight, J. Bob sodomizes a cow. The producers mentioned that they did something to make J. Bob squirm but I never imagined this! Why farmers have to do this, I don't know? Any farmers here? I'm a suburban gal.
8. All filthy and stinky they go back to Meatworks to help cook, work at the meat counter and carve up entire sides of beef. How sanitary!!! Jessa cracks a funny about J. Bob's butchering skills comparing it to how he butchers the Spanish language and J. Bob rethinks his farming dream (plot device) because he doesn't have the stomach for it.
9. Michelle baby talks to a woman who lost a preemie. The one sincere moment of the episode. I felt so bad for this woman that I was hoping Michelle would hand Josie to her and say, "Keep her. I've got enough."
10. At the end, J. Bob says he's not sure about starting a farm. He says, "Let's pray about it." That's exactly what they are saying about adopting a child. Could that just be a silly ploy for the show's fans to keep watching? That last remark made me convinced that they are not serious about adopting.
The End
I don't think they are serious about adopting either. I think that they are hoping that while they 'pray about it' Michelle will get pregnant and she can have a baby that 'she delivers herself'. We all know that chances of conceiving naturally at 47 are minimal but Michelle is the speshul snowflake and the laws of biology don't apply to her.