Thursday, September 19, 2013

 Duggar Family Shame
joshduggar (instagram) - "Praying for those affected by tragedy as we pass by here today # NavyYard # victims" 56min


I'm surprised Joshie is so effected by this story since the Sandy Hook massacre received no prayers or attention from Josh except for him attending a gun show shortly afterwards. I guess since it happened in his own backyard he's soaking up the attention it brings him.

By the way Joshie, you attributed to this mass murder! You and your kind that worship the NRA and their control of our politicians that keep the U.S. a battlefield in order to fatten their wallets. You are to blame. Sure the military missed some red flags but since this maniac was able to buy weapons legally shortly before the massacre even with a background of mental problems,,,, well that is all YOU.
When will you so-called christians stand up to the NRA and demand they push for tougher background checks, closing the gun show loop holes, tough lock them up laws, etc, etc, etc,. Until you do, you will have blood on your hands and soul with each and every mass murder to come. Can you live with that?

Josh's instagram photo of him attending a gun show shortly after Sandy Hook.

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