Sunday, October 6, 2013

More Lies From The Family Research Council

FRC Action, of which Josh Duggar is Executive Director, recently sent 
out this letter to those attending the Values Voter Summit.

The letter misquotes James Madison in a way that pushes the Conservative 
Christian agenda. These people who are part of the FRC desire to make our
country a Dominion Theology  where the laws/Constitution  are based on
Fundamental Christian ideals and screw those who are not their type of
Christian.  For decades they have been working on  rewriting the words of our
 Founding Fathers and our history to fit this goal, another good reason to never vote
 Republican. This latest example of faux Christian deception places Josh Duggar
 in the middle of this dishonest mess.

How can you call yourself a VALUES summit when you are breaking the 
Ten Commandments? Thou Shalt Not Bear False Witness and Possibly Thou Shalt
Not Covet.  You are slandering the words of James Madison and using him
in a way of which he would totally not approve. 

 Please FRC Action, apologize 
for your mistakes and make good on your faith.

David Barton, the author of that fake quote and later recanted it is quite the character. Wiki tears him apart.
The Southern Poverty Law Center has Barton on their hate list too.
Why are right-wingers so gullible?

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